WHAT GOOD WAS SITTING ALONE IN MY ROOM? (Hear the music from Carousel?)
ANSWER: 245 pages (depending on the font) of some 64,000 words of Mandala: A Jigsaw Puzzle of a Psychologist’s Life, the tentative title of a manuscript beginning to search for an agent/publisher. Stories, vignettes, opinions, emotions of 72 years of psychological process and change as filtered through me, professing, practicing, and writing told through chats as if sitting together at my kitchen table. And how the ending has surprised me as interests first expressed at the age of 13 have come together in the end! Well, not really the end. Call it the stopping point for now as I plan not to renew my Minnesota license to practice. That doesn’t stop me from sharing my knowledge through what I had hoped to call PsychBytes. But I just discovered that business title is already taken, so I guess I’ll have to find something creative to call it. Oh yes, the manuscript touches on some important just-plain-history along the way.”