The Meaning Of The Title Is Beautiful

The Meaning Of The Title Is Beautiful

Figs & Pomegranates & Special Cheeses by Mona Gustafson Affinito portrays the life of Job’s wife Dara. Her childhood, her adolescence, and adulthood. This was a refreshing look into the way women, men, and children lived during that time. I love historical fiction that can show how people lived and what it meant to them. For me, Affinito has done just that without being overbearing or condescending. Over the years I have tried to add a face and personality to what scripture says about Job’s wife. Affinito’s view of her definitely made me think of Dara’s presence in the book of Job. I also thought of how her life affected Job’s life and what his, his family and friends actions meant to her. Dara is written as a caring strong-willed woman who knew another culture and way of living before she married Job. Who she worshiped before Job finds God is another window into her life, and the culture it thrived in. It wasn’t hard for me to view modern culture and lifestyles in comparison to Dara’s. Technology, medicine, and science are the only differences. In my eyes, there are people who behave and think like all the characters in today’s society. Some light editing is needed. I didn’t find any of this story gory or sexualized. The main couples relationships are clean, for any readers who don’t read books with scenes like that.

This is the first one of Affinito’s books that I’ve read. I liked so much, without a doubt, I will read any of her other works. I recommend this anyone who enjoys historical fiction and biblical fiction.


With tact, this author did not write Dara’s full thoughts on the friends that harshly judged her husband. I’m not quite sure how I feel about that. I thought all of the characters were well written and that their involvement was great. On the other hand, I would have liked to see the main character’s full opinion and view of those elders. The death of Job’s and Dara’s children is handled well, even though it’s not very detailed either. I would have liked to read more about them and the way they lived.

For a while, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Dara’s childhood friend Adah. Once they were both married, Adah treated Dara in a way that I could partially understand. The wealth and the new lifestyle that Dara had married into separated her, in some ways, from her best friend. I felt like it was too prideful for her to not except her friend. When the tragedy happened and Adah would not go to comfort her friend, I didn’t think she was a friend worth having. Yet, the way the two made up after Job died, was worth reading. Yes, Job dies in this book. However, the end of his life does not overshadow the rest of the book. It is in the beginning and the end. The rest of the story starts with Dara’s life and leads into the Book of Job’s events.

I hope this review is helpful to whoever is looking for a good read. Have a great day.

By Elle Amore  on September 16, 2017 – Format: Kindle Edition

*** I received Figs & Pomegranates & Special Cheeses: A Love Story in exchange for an honest review***

This review, along with others, can be found at Amazon.